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How to Manage Personal Pages

As an Admin user or fundraiser host, there’s a quick and simple way to manage all personal pages that have been created and create new ones. Just use our intuitive Manage Personal Pages feature!

You can also use this feature to manually create a personal page for a supporter who has accidentally deleted their own.

To get started, go to your fundraiser, click Edit Mode, then Advanced settings → Manage personal pages.

Once inside the Manage Personal Pages menu, you can see helpful statistics on your personal pages, and you have the ability to both create new pages, and view the list of existing pages.

To the right of each page in the list, you also have these buttons: View, Resend Invite or Delete.

Clicking the View (eye) button will take you directly to the personal fundraising page.

Clicking the Resend Invite (envelope) button allows you to re-send the invitation email to the page owner.

Clicking the Delete ('x') button allows you to delete the page. Before deletion you must give a reason.

Creating a page for a user/participant

To create a page for a user or participant, follow the simple steps below:

  1. Enter their email address under ‘Create Personal Page’ and click Next.

  2. If they already have a CrowdChange account, their first and last name will populate automatically - if not, enter their first and last name.

  3. Enter a name and goal amount for the page and click Save.

If the user does not already have a CrowdChange account, after the page is created, an invitation email will be sent to them, prompting them to create an account before managing it.

You may also edit the automated trigger email that is sent when a personal page is created by an Admin on someone's behalf. This can be found under Advanced settings → Setup → Automated Email Templates → Personal page created by administrator.

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